quote about love by Lisa Desatnik

One Of My Life Lessons


A conversation I had last week with friends inspired me to write this life lesson. It is an important one for us to remember and teach to others, including children, every day. Today, my challenge to you is this…reach out and learn something new about someone today – could be someone you know or someone you meet.

quote about inclusion and diversity

One of our most basic of human needs
is having that sense of belonging.
All of us want to be
included, loved and respected.

We all want to have friends.
And we all want to feel
like our contributions are important.

And we all have within us
the power to do our part
in fulfilling that need
in those around us.

When make the effort to learn
about others’ points of view,
to include and welcome others
who are different from ourselves,
we all are better for it.

– Lisa Desatnik

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