quote on community service

A Cincinnati Teen Talks About Volunteering & Community Service


I asked Cincinnati teen Jillian Schmidt, a student at Mt. Notre Dame High School, what volunteering/community service means to her and this is what she shared.

“Service is an important part of my life. I love reaching out to others and helping them the best I can with whatever is possible. By Cincinnati teen Jillian Schmidt talks about volunteeringdoing service I learn many things I didn’t know before and I meet new people every time. Every time I do service, I get this feeling in my stomach; it starts off as butterflies and turns into excitement and joy. This is the feeling I get after I help others and while I help others, it is probably one of the best feeling ever. My favorite volunteer work is volunteer work with kids or some type of landscaping volunteer work. When you do volunteer work do something that you love to do or do it with a friend because that always makes it more fun. I think that the most rewarding thing that you can leave with is to know that you helped make a difference and that you helped others.  I have learned to be more grateful for what I have through many of my service projects. I have also noticed or learned that what I may get out of a service project the other person may not get out of the service project. Sometimes I may get a little tired during the time I am doing service, but what keeps me going is the fact that I am helping others.”

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