Introducing Intern, Indian Hill High School Senior Andrea Francisco


I am so eager to introduce you to my new intern Andrea Francisco. Andrea is a student at Indian Hill High School in Cincinnati near me and she is such a positive person and it will be so nice having her a part of this project. Andrea will be writing posts, reaching out to Cincinnati nonprofits and even promoting Good Things in her school.


Below is her letter of introduction.

Indian Hill High School student Andrea FranciscoHello everybody, I hope your day is going well.  My name is Andrea Francisco and I am a senior at Indian Hill High School. This year I am lucky to intern with the lovely Lisa Desatnik, and am so excited to add my perspective as a high school student to this uplifting blog site, Good Things Going Around. When I was first introduced to this internship, I was instantly drawn into the positive atmosphere of Lisa and her website. I believe that we need more positive news in today’s world, and I hope that my future posts may brighten your day.

I am the youngest of four. Since my other siblings and I all have names that start with the letter A: Allison, Abby, Adam, and Andrea, we are sometimes jokingly called the A-Team. They are all moved away or at college now, so I am the lone baby bird in the nest right now. However, soon I will have to learn how to use my wings and fly off to college.

One of my passions is playing sports; I’ve competed in cross country, swimming, and track for the school teams since seventh grade. There are so many memories from sports I collect, one of my favorite being running through a muddy creek in the annual cross country race at Mason. Another one of my cherished memories is sprinting in the 400 and 800 meter relays and competing in the 100 and 200 meter races. Everyone at track meets, even people from other schools, stop and stare at Coach Savage when she yells “Moooooooove!” from the stands as Braves runners cross the finish line. I love the rush of endorphins and the accomplished feeling I get from from exercising. Even though running and swimming for three seasons is hard work and the weather isn’t always perfect, it is a great outlet to meet new people and bond with others, along with taking away from the stresses of daily school life.

Another part of my life is the fellowship at youth group in Sycamore Presbyterian Church, which I have also been a part of since seventh grade. Our youth group has grown pretty big in the past few years, which it makes it even more fun. I’m so grateful for this church in my life and don’t know where I would be without the positive experiences I’ve felt in mission trips to Jackson, Kentucky, Browning, Montana, and San Juan Ixcoy, Guatemala. I hope to have similar experiences later in life and get involved in more mission trips like these in college so I can grow closer to God and the world outside my wealthy suburban bubble.

You’ve reached the end of the page, thanks for reading! I forgot to mention that I love writing, if anyone was wondering. I feel like I could write for hours sometimes. Anyway, thanks for this opportunity Lisa, and I am excited to share more thoughts with the readers of Good Things Going Around. If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask!


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