Lisa Desatnik
Summit Elementary Students Are Caring Philanthropists
What a pleasure it was to accompany Patrick Nugent, vice president of development for Beech Acres Parenting Center, when Anderson Township students at Summit Elementary School presented him with a check. Such eager fundraisers! I couldn’t help but capture them on video too. Below is the write-up I did for Beech Acres and below that is a video that you’ve got to watch.
Pictured: Tori Madden, Jessie Headley, Payton Egan, Patrick Nugent and Lauren Arnold
Five young enterprising philanthropists at Summit Elementary School decided one day they wanted to pool their talents to help a worthy cause. Together, fourth graders Payton Egan, Ali Madden, Lauren Arnold, Tori Madden and Jessie Headley approached their school counselor and crafted a written proposal. Their counselor connected them with school librarian Tonya Swisshelm, who had already decided to participate in the One for Books program in order to raise money for a chosen cause. This program allows schools to accept donations and use them to their choosing while Scholastic matches the amount collected and purchases books for needy children. It was a great fit to have the girls promote this program among students.
In that moment, Payton, Ali, Lauren, Tori and Jessie became organizers and promoters. Their cause was Beech Acres Parenting Center, an Anderson-based nonprofit that helps to strengthen families for children. The girls made signs that they posted around school and gave daily morning announcements to all of their peers. During the book fair, they were responsible for counting the money and posting the names of all of their donors on a hallway bulletin board.
It was a big job with a big lesson in giving back. On December 1, the Summit Elementary philanthropists handed a check to Beech Acres Vice President of Development, Patrick Nugent, for $115.50. The girls kept thanking Patrick for accepting the gift, proving the key lesson that it feels great to give!
Good Things Cincinnati Is On Youtube
Well, I’ve finally done it. I’ve created a Youtube channel and it’s called Good Things Cincinnati.
My first video was recorded downtown Cincinnati at WIZF. Popular personality Jade West took the Good Things Pledge and talks about why you should as well.
Taking the Pledge is simple. Simple click on the ‘Take the Good Things Pledge’ page and add your information. I’ll send you your certificate.
One Of My Life Lessons
Over 1600 Gifts Wrapped At Beech Acres For Families In Need
In my job, I am so lucky to have the opportunity to work side-by-side truly caring people who are working to make this world a better place. The Beech Acres Parenting Center’s Adopt-a-Family Program this holiday season was high up on the list.
Several weeks ago I came home from the Anderson Target store so touched by the huge turnout of shoppers – over 350 kids and parents– who were there with a purpose…to shop for those in our community who can’t afford right now to buy holiday presents themselves. Beech Acres volunteers and staff had a wish list that was given to each group.
The nearly $8000 used to purchase the wish lists came from students at Wilson Elementary, Ayer Elementary and Nagel Middle School who gave up their allowances and collected their change so that they could brighten the season for others. Additionally, individuals and families also adopted families through Beech Acres.
Then, last week, the Beech Acres Anderson Township campus was transformed into a Santa’s workshop as over 250 volunteers came to wrap all 1600 gifts to be delivered by Beech Acres just in time for the holidays. What was so special was seeing so many of the same faces at the gift wrapping event as were shopping the week before, and most of them were also donors. Children told me how they saved their coins or did extra chores to give to the collection. They liked knowing they were helping someone else.
In addition to all of the volunteers, the staff of Beech Acres are such warm and nurturing people. I am so fortunate to have been given the opportunity to work with them.
The Adopt-a-Family committee included: Jennifer Claudy, BAPC development services officer; Alison Bushman, BAPC board member; Missy Meurer, chair of BAPC Adopt-a-Family Committee; Patrick Nugent, BAPC vice president for development; Kim Koelle, BAPC Adopt-a-Family volunteer; Jen Schlosser, BAPC Adopt-a-Family volunteer and school coordinator
NKU Computer Student Creates Incredible Lights
For the second year, Northern Kentucky University computer science student Bobby Crawford has created an incredible animated holiday lights display outside his family home at 1498 Woodland Drive in Goshen. It is set to 7 songs transmitted via 95.5 FM and has 26,000 lights controlled by 128 computer controlled circuits. NKU sure is doing a great job teaching its students! Bobby not only is inviting the public to come (lights are on from 6 to 9:30 pm) thru New Year’s Day, he’d love it if you’d make a donation while you’re there & 100% of the proceeds will go to Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation and Guardians of the Ribbon.
Click here to visit the website.
Jingle Bells-Crawford Lights 2010 from Bobby Crawford on Vimeo.