Lisa Desatnik
Choose To Be Happy
Isabella’s Lesson In Kindness
My intern, Isabella Noe, a senior at Walnut Hills High School in Cincinnati is a very special person. It gives her such satisfaction to reach out and help others. Below is her story, in her own words, of how a simple acts of kindness touched her; and how she thinks about that impact.
Isabella’s Story:
At my job at the Fresh Healthy Café in the Kenwood Towne Centre, in lieu of a tip jar, we have a jar for the homeless. Most people drop in their change, while others dig into their wallets for a few extra dollars. This may not seem like much, but during the holiday season, the mall is bustling with excitement. When each person donates a spare quarter or two on average, it adds up. A few weeks ago our donation jar topped $100. Each day we collect change so the Fresh family can donate a large sum of money at once, rather than multiple small donations. While it is certainly not enough to make a huge impact, it feels good to be doing something to help.
Especially around the holidays, I was extremely concerned for the homeless. As temperatures drop, I think of all the people who do not have a warm meal or place to stay the night, or even a family to celebrate with. I feel incredibly grateful for how privileged I am, but often find myself wishing I could do more for those who are not as lucky. I hope someday I can make more of an impact because it is sometimes difficult as a teenager to bring about huge change. However, I have come to realize that change doesn’t need to be earth shattering- one can make a big difference in small ways, such as delivering for the St. Vincent de Paul food pantries. My grandfather and I spent a lot of time working together at his local pantry, which I enjoyed very much because it taught me about kindness. The pantry was often at capacity due to a huge influx of donations, which warmed my heart. It was an incredibly humbling experience.
I often think of the food pantry or other similar organizations when I see people drop their change into the small jar at work. I remember the ease of picking up and delivering food, and how something so simple for me could make such a huge impact. Kindness works in many ways, and doesn’t have to be big. Small acts of kindness can make a huge difference, just as spare change can add up to a warm bed and a hot meal for someone in need.
Elizabeth’s Work Is Her Passion
I can’t remember how Elizabeth Truitt and I first met, but I know this. She has an effervescent smile that lights up a room and having lunch with her can be a ton of fun. Her passion for her work and life is contagious. It is what I enjoy so much about her.
Elizabeth is the director of public relations for Broadway in Cincinnati and she loves her work. It introduces her to so many diverse and incredible people (including stars), challenges and excites her. How very fortunate for her to have a job that is so fulfilling…and how great for Broadway Cincinnati to have Elizabeth on their team!
Let’s learn more about her…
Lisa: Please tell us a little about yourself, what you did before Broadway, what led you to your current job, some of your outside interests.
Elizabeth: It’s hard to remember a time when I didn’t work for Broadway Across America as I’ve been with the company for the last 12 ½ years. I’ve been really lucky that new opportunities became available when I was ready for a change within the company. I started in customer service in our Indianapolis office, then handled Box Office Management before moving into Group Sales. After some changes within the company, I was offered a job in public relations just over 7 years ago and moved to Cincinnati to cover the market here. I absolutely love PR and consider myself blessed to work in an industry that I’m so passionate about day in and day out. As far as outside interests go, I absolutely love to read, listen to live music and explore new places in Cincinnati.
Lisa: In your career with the Broadway series, has there been anyone (or an experience) who has significantly made an impact on you? If so, please explain.
Elizabeth: One of the first shows I worked on after moving into PR when I moved to Cincinnati was the Broadway tour of RENT. RENT has long been one of my absolute favorite shows and was actually the first Broadway touring production I’d ever seen. Both Anthony Rapp and Adam Pascal from the Original Broadway Cast were in the tour and I took them out for interviews. We had breakfast together during a break in the schedule and as we sat there discussing our cats over coffee, I realized this is my job. It all felt a bit surreal and reminded me of how amazing this opportunity is to do what I do. I get to work in an industry that offers the chance to witness incredible productions on par with what one would see if visiting New York. Cincinnati has a thriving arts community that offers so much support to the Broadway series, and I don’t take that for granted.
Lisa: When I think about you, I always think about your smile. It is so inviting and you wear it a lot. What makes you happy in life and what inspires you?
Elizabeth: I’m lucky enough to have a job I love going to day after day, but beyond all of that I have an incredible community of friends and family that bring a lot of joy to my life. They’re spread across several states but mean the world to me. They inspire me with their approach to the opportunities they are given and how they’ve risen in the face of adversity. Whether it’s the loss of a spouse or cancer or a major career change, it’s a gift to walk with them day in and day out.
Lisa: What is something about you that people may be surprised to learn?
Elizabeth: I love books so much I’ve had a part time job at Joseph-Beth Booksellers for over 3 years. I get to be around people who appreciate and support reading which, next to theatre, is probably my biggest passion. I get a lot of satisfaction from offering a book suggestion to someone and having them come back to tell me just how much they enjoyed what they read. It’s a fun environment and a really amazing independent bookstore to be a part of.
Lisa: What are some of the reasons why you enjoy living in Cincinnati?
Elizabeth: Cincinnati is a really beautiful town. I grew up in central Indiana so even after living here over 7 years, I’m still not tired of the hills or view of the river. As I mentioned earlier, Cincinnati has a thriving arts community. There are always opportunities to see things on stage I haven’t seen, or experience art in a way I haven’t before. I didn’t ever picture myself ending up here, but now I can’t imagine ever living somewhere else. I love our city.
Volunteers Needed For Clothes Drive
It is that time of year again. Liz Wu and others of #KindFlash, a group of Cincinnati area volunteers doing acts of kindness, are organizing their annual clothes drive and they need help. During last year’s #Kindflash clothes drive, they collected 3,700+ warm clothing items and distributed them across 51 Greater Cincinnati neighborhoods. This year, they plan to exceed those numbers – but will need help!
They are seeking volunteers to pick up donation items (hats, gloves, scarves, socks) from a designated local venue on Jan 18 or 19, pack them in a ziplock bag with the provided postcards, and distribute them in an assigned neighborhood anytime from Jan 20-22. Volunteers are also asked to photograph the process, share photos, and spread the word. It is a small, quick task, but has a HUGE impact!
If you are interested in volunteering, please sign up ASAP at this link.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email kindlfash@gmail.com or call 513-580-8289.
Thoughts For Living A Fulfilling Life
If you follow my blog, you may recall a few posts written by Tami Boehmer, known to many as a brave and inspirational cancer warrior who took on the disease not only through her own fight but the fight of so many others. She was an author (of two books about cancer survivors), a blog writer (of Miracle Survivors), a mother, a sibling and daughter, and a loving wife. Tami was also a friend.
This is part of what she wrote in a post I shared on my blog:
“My goal is to give people hope and a different way to see themselves as a survivor and patient. I encourage my followers to be active participants in their healthcare by researching their options, getting additional medical opinions and taking care of themselves in body, mind and spirit. I feel it is detrimental to give patients death sentences. My mantra is: ‘Statistics are just numbers that lump together a large, diverse group of individuals. You are not a statistic.'” – Tami Boehmer
Tami’s husband, Mike, and her daughter, Chrissy, were there when Tami transitioned in 2015. And I have no doubt she is looking down on them, very proud of the way they are choosing to LIVE and appreciate their lives. Mike just wrote this. He shared part of it on his own blog and he added his own ’24 hour plan’ here to remind us of how we can embrace our days, and give them more meaning. I think we can all learn from his words. I know I can.
In Mike’s Words:
While walking from Fisherman’s Wharf to our motel in the Marina District of San Francisco early on New Year’s Eve, my 17-year-old daughter asked me to sum up 2016. We were finishing an enjoyable week in Northern California, including some great family time with Tami’s brother, Doug, my sister-in-law, Kim, and nieces Kaitlin and Grace (both in their 20’s).
My immediate response to Chrissy: “Glad it’s over.”
As she knew, I experienced some deep sadness at times in the first full year since Tami’s transition. She took her last breath on Nov. 4, 2015 after living with metastatic breast cancer for almost eight years.
But, then, I recounted the many positives of 2016 for me: the college visits with Chrissy, experiencing her senior year finales, our vacations in Seattle/Vancouver and California, attending many rock shows (including Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr with Chrissy), family gatherings, a fishing trip to Rice Lake with my brother and brother-in-law, Reds games, moving to a new office at work and developing closer relationships with colleagues there, starting yoga and attending a weekly meditation meeting, remodeling our bathroom… I expressed gratitude for my widow/widower groups and grief counseling since they helped me work through the yuck.
Probably my biggest plus: Learning more deeply the value of living “one day at a time.”
“You sure say that a lot,” Chrissy said. My response: “I need to, so I remember it.”
I told Chrissy I’m eternally grateful for the kindness and support of many, many people as I walk this unwanted path. I feel so blessed to have developed relationships with lots of people who have lost loved ones and made the best of their situations. I’m definitely not alone.
Finally, I relayed to Chrissy that I’m feeling pretty good as we embark on 2017 — much better overall than a year ago at this time. I am very, very grateful to feel mostly happy most of the time. I’m thankful for the many lessons learned, especially about the value of living life one day at a time, one moment at a time. I’m trying to remember the slogan on a coffee cup someone gave me several decades ago: “Enjoy life. This is not a dress rehearsal.”
Chrissy then resumed sharing her thoughts about 2016 and plans for 2017 and beyond. It’s a moment I’ll never forget, listening to my wonderful daughter share her ups and downs and outlook for the future. One precious moment on one amazing day in the final hours of 2016, a year now in the rear view mirror.
Some practices to help achieve the “24-hour plan.”
(1) End your day with a routine. For me that involves inventorying my day. What could I have done better? What did I do right? Was I thinking of myself, or what I could do for others? Etc. I write in a journal for several minutes, then do some reading.
(2) Start your day with a spiritual practice. Get still and say a few prayers, read a daily reflection book, and meditate briefly before heading out the door.
(3) Take breaks during the day, especially those involving physical exercise such as walking or yoga. I actually got so relaxed in noontime yoga one day that I fell asleep during our down time at the end of the session!
(4) Remind yourself to “do the next right thing.” I’m amazed at how my daunting to-do list gets done when I plug away at it, instead of obsessing about it.
(5) Prioritize. Take care of the important stuff, and realize other tasks may have to wait.
(6) Connect. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been stressed to the hilt, but calmed down after connecting with friends or family — either in person or by phone, text or other messaging.
(7) Meditate. This has become more and more important to me. I’m learning how to close my eyes, sit comfortably, breath through my nose and clear my mind. Powerful practice, for sure.
(8) Service. Focus on what you can do for others (after taking care of yourself), instead of what you will get. See what you can bring to life, to the party.