Lisa Desatnik
Loveland School District Honored Students For Kindness
My intern, Andrea Francisco, brought to my attention a campaign in Loveland City Schools that is all about recognizing students who speak out and stand up for others.
The My Voice, My Choice Upstander campaign is a district initiative that was described in a video by Loveland Superintendent Chad Hilliker. “It’s a program that talks about how students have a voice when it comes to if there is a problem,” he said. “We recognize students who have made a difference in their buildings and recognize the wonderful things they do. Maybe they see a friend who needs help or someone being picked on.”
Teachers from each building nominated students who embody the principles of My Voice, My Choice. Each student selected received a certificate and t-shirt as part of the recognition ceremony. They are:
- Loveland Early Childhood Center: Ryan Faessler, Ella McCormick and Elijah Rand.
- Loveland Primary School: Alex Abrinica, Dani Hildebrand, Tori Johnson and Claire Neiger.
- Loveland Elementary School: Ellie Boni, Allie Despotakis, Mary Haberer and Cameron Petrella.
- Loveland Intermediate School: Sam Greenberg and Lesley Webster.
- Loveland Middle School: Jack Aiken, Miya Shultz, Connor Wasmund and Jacob Eicher.
- Loveland High School: Logan Amon, Rachel Jones, Stephanie Simon and Clayton Walker.
“Kindness can be contagious when you have students who are not afraid to do what is right, and we strive to create this culture in our classrooms, our buildings and across our district,” Hilliker said.
Honorees are – left: front, Mary Haberer, Elijah Rand, Alex Abrinica, Dani Hildebrand, Tori Johnson, Claire Neiger, Ellie Boni and Allie Despotakis; back, Sam Greenberg, Lesley Webster, Miya Shultz, Connor Wasmund, Jacob Eicher, Rachel Jones, and Clayton Walker. Not pictured,Ryan Faessler, Ella McCormick, Cameron Petrella, Jack Aiken, Logan Amon and Stephanie Simon.
Eleven Reasons To Love Cincinnati Told At #CincyStorytellers
Please click here to watch John’s talk. NOTE: Videos produced by Glenn Hartong
Last week, I sat in a filled to capacity room at the Phoenix as a panel of 11 people filled the stage, sharing one-by-one their own very personal story about their life and the impact of our region on it. It was all part of the new Enquirer series called #CincyStorytellers. You can watch all of their talks at this link.
What I loved about the event, besides the fact that I always enjoy opportunities to hear other people tell stories, was the great diversity they represented, the different points of view and different life experiences that individually and collectively are what has built such a dynamic region.
Take a look at who we heard from (as listed at www.Cincinnati.com):
David Falk owns Boca and Sotto and Nada. He is making Cincinnati a better place to eat nearly every day. Falk has lived all over the world, but in October of 2013 he wrote a Love Letter to this city on Huffington Post. He changed the conversation.
Molly Wellmann makes an amazing drink. She also creates places that make people happy. That is not easy. She owns The Famous Neon’s Unplugged, Japp’s, The Old Kentucky Bourbon Bar and The Hearth Room. And Myrtle’s Punch House. Wellmann is also a true believer in this place. We have no stronger advocate.
Aftab Pureval is a lawyer at Procter & Gamble and this year he was in C-Change, a leadership-development program with the Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber. He was part of a group that created the Grand City Experiment, which challenged people to do small things every day to make this a more welcoming place. It was simple, and it made a difference.
Libby Hunter is an example for all of us. One day, she saw some kids being lousy to another person. She thought all those kids needed was something to do; to love words and learning. It was naive, at best, and somehow, Hunter turned her life upside down to create miracles in Northside at a place called WordPlay Cincy. Now the story is evolving.
Dan Wright opened Senate in Over-the-Rhine before opening a restaurant there was a thing. He made a statement and invested his time and money. It was kind of a game changer. Then he opened Abigail. Now Pontiac BBQ. He planted a flag.
Alisha Budkie has a different kind of story. She has always been a part of the creative community in Cincinnati. She also knew of the frequent connection between creativity and mood imbalances. So she decided to create a community at that intersection. It will change lives.
Yvette Simpson has lived a life of civil service. She grew up here and faced her share of struggles early. But she found herself through work and education and became a leader. Simpson is intelligent and charming and she serves on City Council anyway. She is making a big difference.
If you ever noticed a big guy with a big beard and a bigger smile walking around Over-the-Rhine and thought he looked like a happy viking, you probably saw Jason Snell. His company is actually called We Have Become Vikings. He is an artist, designer, creator and light maven. If you liked the flying birds at Lumenoicty, thank Jason. If you like Mr. Satin, thank Jason. If you liked the Henry Holtgrewe mural, thank Jason.
Every city needs a Kathy Y. Wilson. She writes like an angel, and she challenges people like a sledge hammer. This is her home. And she is making it better with her words.
James Marable is smart and interesting, and making people dress better. Marable wanted to open a business, so he quit his cushy and safe job, ran up every credit card he had, borrowed and depleted his savings and opened OTR Fresh. Now he has a place on Main Street that provides a different look for a city that can sometimes use one.
Not listed here (probably because he compiled the list) was organizer and Enquirer reporter John Faherty. I actually was most looking forward to hearing what he was going to share because I follow his writings (all of the panelists were people whom he has written about). John has a way of expressing himself that moves and inspires me. Last year he openly and candidly shared his very personal, brave battle…and its impact on not only his own life but the lives of those who love him. If you haven’t already read his documentary article on how a transplant saved his life, I highly recommend it. During his #CincyStorytellers talk, he reminded the standing room only crowd that it was a pancreas transplant as he looked to the side of the room toward a few of his greatest supporters, his family.
There were so many lessons to have been learned in that evening. There were so many reasons to celebrate our great place where we all live, work and play. It is our diversity that collectively gives us all strength. Whether we are walking down the street, at work or a place of worship, or attending an event, we should realize that each one of us has our own personal story…our internal battles, challenges that we have overcome, people who make our lives whole, sadness and laughter. In our daily hast, think about how much more enriched our own lives would be if we take a moment to learn something new about someone…either a stranger or an individual already in our life. Let’s talk to each other. Let’s share our stories. Let’s be there for each other. And let’s celebrate that what we each bring to this world is truly a gift.
Winton Woods Student Earns Award For Character
The transition for children to a brand new school often comes with many challenges. For Innocent Ntwali, a Rwandan refugee, those challenges were even greater. On his first day at Winton Woods Elementary School in Cincinnati he spoke not a word of English.

Winton Woods fourth grader Innocence Ntwali listens as Superintendent Anthony G. Smith reads Innocence’ recommendation for the Award. Photo by Teresa Cleary.
This past year his hard work and conduct in school have earned him the Kiwanis Character is Key Award for Fairness. “Through his year and a half at Winton Woods Elementary School, he has grown in so many ways by assimilating into the culture, learning the English language and becoming friends with his classmates,” said Principal Kendell Dorsey.
“Innocent never thinks about himself first,” said his reading teacher Lois Minton. “He always wants what is right for the group or the situation.” Physical Education Teacher Sheri Conrad, who is in charge of the school’s Sprinter’s Club, agrees. “In Sprinter’s, Innocence never cuts corners. He always runs the course the way he is supposed to. He leads by example every day and does not even know it,” she said.
“He is the epitome of good character,” Dorsey added. “Innocent is kind, smart and always willing to lend a helping hand. He is constantly challenging himself to be better.”
Photo: Winton Woods fourth grader Innocence Ntwali listens as Superintendent Anthony G. Smith reads Innocence’ recommendation for the Award. Photo by Teresa Cleary.
The Ability To Hug Is A Great Skill To Have
My New Year’s Reflections And Lessons Learned
It has become an annual tradition around New Year’s when my mom reminds me of how much we need to appreciate every minute of every day because time doesn’t stand still. When the clock struck midnight last Wednesday, one more year was behind us, never to be gotten back again. The 2014 hourglass expired.
But not before permanently etching memories into the crevices of my brain. These are the reflections that give me pause on New Year’s. What has 2014 taught me about life and living; and about being a better person, friend, teacher and co-worker? How will I use these lessons to inspire myself and those around me to be better, stronger and more connected?
The Gifts of 2014
It was in 2014 when I became part of a team whose shared purpose is inspiring others to look beyond differences to appreciate each other’s unique gifts that collectively strengthen us all. Through the Cincinnati ReelAbilities Film Festival organized by LADD, Inc., I have met so many people who share my passion for building a community where differences are celebrated and everyone is included.
ReelAbilities gave me the opportunity to get to know world renowned photographer Rick Guidotti. I will always remember how, within minutes of our meeting, I felt as if we were lifelong friends. That is one of Rick’s incredible gifts. It is how he is able to share the beautiful humanity in those with differences, in all of us actually. Through his images, his words and his heart, Rick inspires us to change how we see the world and how we see each other. Thank you to Rick for all that you are and all that you do.
There are so many powerful messages to be told and shared through the ReelAbilities Film Festival. I hope you will make plans on joining us.
It was in 2014 when our region – and the nation – was introduced to a valiant warrior, who, in a few short months taught us about courage and vision and purpose. By now you have probably heard the story of Lauren Hill. You probably even feel as though you know her personally. I have no doubt that her indomitable spirit has impacted you, strengthened that place deep in your soul where hope grows.
Lauren was less than two months into her 18th year when an MRI revealed one of the most insidious forms of cancers with tentacles weaving through her nerves. When she took to the court of her first NCAA college basketball game, it was before an unprecedented sellout crowd of 10,000+. They were her cheerleaders. She was their teacher. She was…is…a teacher to all of us.

photo credit: Carrie Cochran/Cincinnati Enquirer. Please click on photo to read accompanying story in the Enquirer.
Her quote was the headline of a USA Today story, “I want people to know, I will never give up.” Lauren challenged us and challenged herself. Her goal was to raise $1 M for The Cure Starts Now Foundation by the end of the year. With media support and an army of fighters in schools, congregations, businesses, and communities here and nationwide, she met that goal. She looked cancer in the face and said, ‘you have not won.’
None of us know when Lauren’s journey here on earth will end but her legacy will live forever in all of us who have grown from her strength.
What have these 2014 lessons taught me?
Wow, there is so much. Truly, life can be so short. We never know from day to day what tomorrow will bring yet we spend so much time worrying about things that will be insignificant in a year. We stress over deadlines, mistakes, and what if’s. We go from place to place without noticing the beauty around us or the person having a bad day. We don’t stop to ask how we can help. We forget to smile at passers-by. We say we will reach out later to that friend we have lost touch with. We overlook letting those around us – our co-workers, family and neighbors – know we appreciate them. We let our fear of failure keep us from pursuing our dreams.
Time goes by too quickly to take it for granted. In 2015, I am going to pay more attention to smiling at strangers and noticing the scenery around me. I am going to reach out more to people in my life and remind them that they are valued and appreciated. I am going to do more to help others. I am going to make mistakes, and learn from them. I am going to pursue my passions.
What lessons will you carry forward in the new year?