Lisa Desatnik
I’m Feeling Grateful On Thanksgiving
It is hard to believe Thanksgiving is upon us, a special week for my family as it typically is the only time during the year when we all are able to be together.
Time flies by at such a fast pace. I remember like it was yesterday the Thanksgiving when we were thinking about possible names as my brother and his wife were eagerly awaiting word from the adoption agency that they would be bringing home a baby girl. That precious little infant, whose first plane ride took her across the world from an orphanage in India to the arms of loving parents in California, will on Sunday be arriving in Greater Cincinnati as beautiful young woman who is now a licensed driver and has already gone to her first homecoming. Her intelligence, determination and heart are what make her so special.
Thanksgiving is a reminder to me to appreciate all that I have – the people in my life who have been an inspiration, the opportunities I have been given to pursue my passions and make a positive impact in my own way, the places I have seen, the experiences that have given me strength. I am so grateful to have such loving parents who live only a few miles away.
It is so easy in our busy lives to take what we have for granted. Think how much richer our lives would be if we celebrated Thanksgiving gratitude all year long. Let’s make that a goal for ourselves.
Larry Gross Shares Lessons For Happiness In New Book
Larry Gross calls himself, ‘just a regular person who wants to live in a world that is more peaceful and less stressful.’ He is someone who has learned early in his life that money isn’t necessarily the currency for buying happiness, and he has taken on a large project to teach others the same lesson.
In his newly released book, “The Leisure Consultant’s Guide to Happiness” he shares some changes he has made in behaviors, attitudes and routines to find his own inner peace, contentment and happiness in everyday life.
It is an easy-to-read book with chapters on topics like ‘living in the moment’, ‘if it isn’t fun, don’t do it’ and ‘spend time in nature.’ They are simple reminders that every day is new opportunity for finding joy.
“I have heard it said, ‘Do what you love and the money will follow.’ I don’t know if that’s true or not. What I do know, however, is that when I am doing something I love, I am happy,” he wrote.
Larry shared a personal story of how holding in resentment toward his aunt and uncle caused him to have pent up anger for many months. When he let go of those hurt feelings, he slipped an anniversary card in their mailbox and was happy to see them at their next meeting. “When you are able to forgive, not only do you release bad feelings from your body, you allow the feelings of love to flow into yourself and out to others.”
I think it is pretty obvious that this book is written by a man who has learned quite a lot about appreciating life and living for the day. The book is available at Amazon.com.
We All Have Abilities
Angel’s Rest Animal Sanctuary Rescues Dogs & Cats Without Hope
Meet Matilda. At 14, her teeth are not in the best of shape and her skin is infected. Her vision is impaired from a cataract in one eye and a corneal ulcer in the other. And, when found after being dumped in a back alley during frigid temperatures her fur was so severely matted that it needed to be shaved, exposing her fragile outer covering to the elements.
Matilda was slated for euthanasia, but, this sweet little girl was not finished living. A guardian angel helped her find a very special place that saves dogs and cats like her that have been given up on by others.
Angel’s Rest Animal Sanctuary is a no-kill hospice-type facility that cares for these animals deemed ‘unadoptable’ because of advanced age, life-long ailments, terminal illness, disabilities, or temperament. The nonprofit facility provides critical care and wound management, and never euthanizes an animal due to space limitations.
“Our goal is to take animals out of situations where they would be facing imminent danger and provide them with a comfortable place to spend the remainder of their lives, no matter how long it may be,” I read on their website.
In my book, it takes truly special people to do the work that they do. The more I read about their stories, the more touched I became of their mission.
This past weekend – November 16 and 17 – they hosted a grand opening celebration of their newest and largest location that houses a thrift store and adoption center; and houses the dogs and cats in their care.
They are seeking donations for their thrift store as well as monetary donations. And, of course volunteers.
Angel’s Rest Sanctuary is located at 1263B W. Ohio Pike, Amelia, OH 45102. For more information, please visit their website at http://www.angelsrestanimalsanctuary.org or call them at 513-800-0738.
Swimmer Diana Nyad Spoke About Perseverance At YWCA Luncheon
You may have heard about Diana Nyad, who, at 64, became the first person to swim from Cuba to Florida WITHOUT a shark cage. Many people in Greater Cincinnati got to meet and listen to Diana thanks to the YWCA of Greater Cincinnati. Linda Clement-Holmes, senior vice president, Global Business Services at P&G, was among them. Below are some of Linda’s thoughts after the opportunity. Thank you to her for sharing them!
“About 6 months ago, I had the privilege and honor of spending a little bit of time with Diana Nyad when she was in Cincinnati speaking at the YWCA Career Women of Achievement Luncheon. Diana Nyad is the first person (at age 64) to have EVER made the swim from Cuba to Florida without the use of a shark cage. She completed that historic swim in about 53 hours. In addition to monumental feats like the Cuba to Florida swim, she is also an inspirational speaker. One of the things she talks about is doing your absolute best and knowing that no matter the outcome, you know that you could not have done one [millimeter] more (she usually holds up her thumb and index finger to demonstrate the extreme minuteness of doing [millimeter] more).
How many of us can look back at our day and say, “Today, in all that I did, I did the ABSOLUTE BEST JOB I COULD HAVE DONE, AND NOT ONE MILLIMETER LESS”? I would say not many of us. I know I can’t. And there are many reasons for this as well as the fact that we all have good days and bad days. But on average, how many times can you say that?
Try it. Tonight, before you close your eyes and go to sleep, ask yourself, “Did I do my absolute best job possible on EVERYTHING I did today?” It could be work-related or family-related, it does not matter. The question still applies.
Try it. In particular, if there is someone who says they give their ABSOLUTE BEST EVERY SINGLE Day on EVERY SINGLE THING THEY DID, I would love to hear how you are doing that, and what tips you have for the rest of us.”
Linda was a co-chair for the event, is a former YWCA Career Woman of Achievement Award recipient and YWCA Board member.
Do you give your best every day? I invite you to post a comment with what you are doing.