My Sidekick and Me

A Logical Explanation For Why Your Dog Doesn’t Come


So often dog owners want to know why they can’t get their dog to come every time he is called no matter what he happens to be doing or where.  “He can be stubborn.” “He has a mind of his own.” “His breed is like that.” These are all reasons I’ve heard people use.

The truth is if your dog is not behaving in a way you want him to behave, it is a clear indication that either he does not know what you want him to do (the criterion for reinforcement is unclear) and/or the reinforcer for the right behavior isn’t strong enough or delivered fast enough to compete with the reinforcers available for doing something other than coming to you. When given a choice, animals will generally choose the behavior that produces the most valued outcomes. For example, a dog may know a sit cue (he’s done it a million times in the past) but he may choose to ignore it sometimes because the outcome is of far less value to him than the competing reinforcers at those times.

Here are just some reasons why your dog may choose to do anything BUT come when called:

1)There is a weak history of reinforcement associated with you. Think about it. How totally awesome do you make the experience of being at your side? Does your dog see you as the giver of all good things?

2)There is a strong, established history with competing reinforcers from the environment, which are more valuable to the dog than what coming to you offers. It’s really tough to compete with the value of rabbit or squirrel. And if you call and call your dog in this situation, you will be further weakening the cue to come because a cue that doesn’t reliably predict reinforcement loses its value and thus its reliability to predict behavior. Very often the word ‘come’ takes on the meaning of ‘keep playing, go sniff the flowers, and only when there isn’t anything more reinforcing to do, then come to my side.’

Source: via Bell on Pinterest

3)If your dog doesn’t come to you reliably when called, why set both of you up for failure by calling him back to you at a time when you can predict he more than likely won’t come (like when he is in pursuit of a squirrel or playing in water).

Instead, let your dog play until he is good and tired and you can predict that the chances are high that he will come when called (and you can then have a party when he does choose to come to make that choice totally awesome).  Of course the other suggestion is to work on teaching the ‘come’ cue reliably by starting in an environment without distractions and systematically building on the distractions.

4)Your dog can not reliably predict that every time he comes when called it will be worth his while. As an example, maybe you have a history of letting your dog outside just before you have to leave and call him inside to be locked up. Your recall cue may be associated with a loss – the loss of his freedom, the loss a toy, etc. Maybe you sometimes punish your dog when he comes back to you after taking chase. You may try to trick your dog into coming by luring him with a toy or something of value but after a couple of times, he has you figured out.

5)Not coming to you results in a bigger pay day. Maybe if he doesn’t come, it results in you chasing him – and what dog doesn’t like to be chased?

6)There is a strong dependency of confinement whether to a leash or to a space that teaches your dog he only needs to pay attention when under your tether. Think about the mischief children get into when their parents go out of town or when they go off to college. The solution is more work systematically generalizing the skills from one setting to another.

These are some of many reasons why your dog doesn’t come when called – and none of them have to do with being stubborn or headstrong. What they all have in common is the poor use of strategic strong, consistent reinforcement on your part to teach your dog that coming to you is absolutely the best choice for him.



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Cincinnati Parks Has A Camp…For Dogs


I’ve been writing my pet behavior column for Hyde Park Living for many years and it is so rewarding to me when I hear from readers who find my information valuable. A few weeks back I got a call from Dianne Wente of Cincinnati Parks. She gets the magazine in her home and asked me to be her guest at an upcoming Canine Camp.

 A Canine Camp? Absolutely!

What a neat idea. I was very flattered that she wanted me to join them. For four consecutive Saturdays that began last weekend, 25 owners and their favorite furry companion are spending the morning in one of Cincinnati’s beautiful parks – French Park.

Each session begins with a guided 30 minute walk followed by a presenter and then games and prizes. Last week Nancy Schulte, M.ED., with Caring Touch Canine Massage, demonstrated how owners can indulge their pet with some relaxing human pampering. Then it was off to the grassy area for a different twist on the childhood game Green Light-Red Light and another activity.

How much fun. What a great way to meet others who share a love for dogs while spending quality time with your own? And by the way, all of the campers walk away with some pretty nice gifts.

To see my Canine Camp photo album on Facebook, please click here.

Cincinnati Parks August Camp

Cincinnati Parks is accepting registration now for its August camp. Below is a list of presenters.

To register, either call 513-321-6070 or visit Cincinnati Parks at this link. But hurry… space is limited!

Aug 4th – Staff of the Care Center of Blue Ash
Emergency veterinary clinic staff will help pet owners recognize medical issues and begin to care for your best friend during the initial phases of an emergency. Note: Audrey Ann Photography will be onsite at this session. Come as you are or dress up your dog for a professional photo of your Camp Canine experience.
Aug 11th – Donetta Zimmerman, Animal Communicator
Donetta will tell you what your dog is “thinking”! She is well known throughout Greater Cincinnati and has worked with race horses, zoo animals, cats, dogs, you name it!
Aug 18th – Glenna Mockbee, Therapy Pets of Greater Cincinnati
Discover the many benefits therapy pets provide patients at acute, rehabilitation and palliative healthcare facilities. Maybe your canine companion would be a perfect candidate!
Aug 25th – Liz Naber, Buckeye Search & Rescue Dogs
Learn how these amazing dogs and their handlers are trained to locate missing people. Watch a demonstration as they locate a “missing person” from our group.


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Animals Lovers Unite For SPCA Fur Ball


Funny how fate works sometimes. It was a night like so many before it for Barbara Lichtenstein. At least that’s how it started off. She was in her car, having just turned onto the busy intersection at Springfield Pike heading toward choir practice when she saw him…a four-legged homeless dog who clearly hadn’t eaten a homemade meal in quite some time. He had bristly fur, rotted teeth, and lumps that Barbara later learned were cancerous.

Barbara, being the animal lover that she is, pulled over, put him in her car and went on to her practice – bringing him inside with her. That night, she learned, he was also a classical lover. As soon as they began to sing, all of his fear of the unknown magically disappeared. “To this day, when he gets fussy in the car, I turn on classical music,” she told me.

Several surgeries, good food, and a houseful of love have seen little Ajax blossom into an affectionate companion who seeks out his family just to know they are there. That family also includes Charlotte, a feminine (as Barbara describes her) and sweet little girl who was also found abandoned and who tolerates sharing favorite humans with Ajax.

Barbara Finds The SPCA

It was a number of years back. Barbara was studying architecture and decided not to continue. She has another, more important reason to work. “I’ve always been a dog lover. I grew up with dogs and I thought it was time to step up and do something for them,” she said.

She and her husband, Phil, gave the SPCA a donation when they were building the new shelter and that very quickly evolved into volunteer work. Three years ago she got involved with the organization’s big fundraiser – the Fur Ball. One year she chaired it and this is her second year serving as co-chair (with Holly Mott).

The Fur Ball

Held at the Cintas Center, April 28, the dinner/dance Fur Ball  will be an evening of dinner, dancing to the music of Airwave, a silent auction, and a ‘Best in Show’ dog show with animals from the shelter. There will also be dogs and cats there available for adoption.  For animal lovers, it is a fun event for a great cause.

The SPCA Cincinnati serves Hamilton County and the City of Cincinnati covering over 500 square miles and is the oldest humane society in Ohio. Last year, it handled around 18,000 animals. Good homes with concerned, qualified families were found for thousands of these animals.

Efforts are continually being made to improve its adoption rates. Barbara told me the adoption fee is just $20 and that includes spay and neuter. Proceeds from the Fur Ball will help the SPCA keeps those adoption fees down so that more people and more animals in need of love can find each other.

A few seats are still available for the Fur Ball. Cost is $150 per person. To register, please visit

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