People Who Inspire Me

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Cincinnati Teen Inspires Through Philanthropy & Writing


Cincinnati teen Zai JohnsMeet a very talented author and humanitarian, Zai Johns.

Zai is a senior at Cincinnati Mt. Notre Dame High School and she is someone who inspires me. At a young age, she has a huge heart and understands the power of kindness. She said giving back just does great things for the heart.

“Philanthropy literally means “love of humanity”. In simplest terms it means giving back to your community. This big word has a big punch! Once you understand philanthropy your heart will grow bigger. I know mine did for sure,” she said.

Zai told me her passion for helping others began three years ago when she got involved with her school’s Youth Philanthropy Council (YPC).

“Being a part of helped me push to get my book published. My book is titled Animal Adventurers Book 1: Murder at Thompson Manor which is the first in the series. I wrote this book in order to give animals a second chance for a family and life,” she said.

Over three quarters of the profits goes to nonprofit organization Magnified Giving, towards the Animal Adventurer Grant.

Magnified Giving is a local non-profit that educates youth, mainly high school students about philanthropy through a yearlong program. They research, do presentations, have fundraisers, and at the end of the year give a money grant to a non-profit.

About Zai’s book, Animal Adventures Book 1: Murder at Thompson Manor

Chrissy only knows that she is alone, with no one to turn to. All she has to offer herself is a small amount of hope that her world will go back to normal, whatever normal is.

When Chrissy gets recused her world seems to make a little bit of sense again. She gains a new family composed of Pumpkin, a clumsy black kitten, Lianna, a stubborn know-it-all Dalmatian, and Frosty, an over-excited, talkative Siberian husky. But when a Animal Adventures book by Zai Johnsstranger, with an offer, comes to the door, her secure world comes crumbling down around her. Chrissy must leave behind her safehome, and go on a spiraling adventure to save her family.

Of course her adventure isn’t easy, especially when her new billionaire owner is murdered, and her family is left abandoned once again. Things get even more out of control when her rescuer Brad, is accused of being the killer, and is locked up in jail. Will Chrissy and her family be able to prove Brad innocent and catch the real killer?

The Animal Adventurers is a creative blend of non-stop suspense, drama, and mystery. It’s a heartwarming story filled with courageous, abandoned characters that will do anything for family.

For more information on Animal Adventurers please go to

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A Dog With A Will To Live And A Guardian Angel To Grant Her Wish


Monica Wiltshire Bodey doesn’t know why she happened to be driving on an interstate she typically doesn’t travel at that time, or why she was driving in the slow lane where you typically won’t find her.

That, says Monica, is where fate must have intervened.

There, in front of her eyes, was a precious mixed hound dog who had just been hit by an SUV after crossing two of the three lanes of traffic. The little girl was sitting on the shoulder. Her eyes were closed shut and she was dangerously close to being hit again.

Please click here to read the rest of the touching story about little Eeyore.


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A Conversation With Cincinnati Volunteer Fred Neurohr


Fred Neurohr is a volunteer, a husband and a father. I met him through his involvement as a board member for

Fred Neurohr

“My work with him at Elementz really drives home the notion that everyone has a gift, and our duty as members of a community is to help nurture and bring those gifts into the light.”

the Cincinnati nonprofit Elementz, an arts center dedicated to encouraging young people’s creativity and positive choices, the promotion and development of Urban Arts, and the betterment of our city.  Fred’s passion for bringing out the best in young people is loud and clear. He is an inspiration.

I asked Fred about the GOOD in his life. This is what he had to say.

What is something really good that has happened recently or in your life?

I recently took a position at the Council on Aging, which combines several of my passions: working with data to tell a story, working in service of people in our community, and contributing toward a better Cincinnati.

 Who is someone who has inspired you in your life and why?

Peter Block.  My work with him at Elementz really drives home the notion that everyone has a gift, and our duty as members of a community is to help nurture and bring those gifts into the light.

 What is one of your favorite quotes that inspires you?

“Everything in moderation, including moderation.”  It reminds me that it’s okay to let things escape the cold, everyday calculus.  In truth, we need not count everything all the time and can choose not to impose quantitative judgments in all corners of life.  It’s good for the soul to both recognize and exercise the pleasant randomness life brings, and to act with passion and helpful excess from time-to-time.

What is something that is sure to make you smile?

A trip home to my native New York City, especially sharing it with my family.  Watching my kids light up at the sights and sounds of Times Square, or when they stare in wonderment at the awesome characters of Coney Island, or when they try food they’ve never seen before – it’s the best!  Unless we attend a Mets or Jets game.  That doesn’t leave me smiling so much lately.  😉

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Sue Ellen Stuebing Has A Gratitude List


Sue Ellen Stuebing is chief development officer for Public Media Connect, the organization that houses the Cincinnati and Sue Ellen StuebingDayton PBS stations – CET and ThinkTV.  When I think about people who have a natural way of bringing a smile to my face, Sue Ellen is right up there on my list. I have known her for years through my PR work with area nonprofits.  Always when I call her I am greeted by a warm voice on the other end.

I learned something new about Sue Ellen the last time we spoke. She keeps a Gratitude List to keep track of those who have impacted her life in a positive way.  I couldn’t help but ask her about it. This is what she shared.

If it isn’t too personal, what are some of the things on your list?

People who make a difference in my personal and professional life or things that sometimes I take for granted, good health, a comfortable home, a career that I enjoy.

 How do you create your list?

I just have a journal that I note the date and write a few things that I consider as a gratitude list before I go to sleep.  I started writing a gratitude list about 20 years ago when a friend gave me a journal for a birthday present.  There are times in my life that when I have written daily lists and times when I have not written in a month or more.  I actually have more of a sense of peace when I think about the things I am grateful for and reflect on those things on a daily basis.Gratitude List

How often do you look at it?

I have only read over my past gratitude lists a few times. I really try to concentrate on each day.

How has keeping the list impacted you?

I am optimistic the majority of the time and I think that the daily reflection of gratitude helps me continue to be positive.

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