Inspirational Quotes
Remembering Robin Williams
The world lost one of its truly gifted minds when it lost Robin Williams. He had this way of touching us with humor and emotion unlike any one else. And in his passing we are reminded of the importance of our connection with one another. In our lives, our journey, each of us has our own struggles. At any moment as we go through our day, we need to realize that beyond a person’s exterior is someone with a real human need for love, understanding, encouragement and acceptance. In this world of interconnectedness, we need to never forget that the greatest gift we can offer to each other is ourselves.
Believe In What Is Possible, Believe In You
Remind Yourself Everyday…
A Quote To Give You Inspiration
Maya Angelou And Her Messages Will Forever Inspire
“One isn’t necessarily born with courage, but one is born with potential. Without courage, we cannot practice any other virtue with consistency. We can’t be kind, true, merciful, generous, or honest.”
– Maya Angelou
We lost a true inspiration when we lost Maya Angelou
but her messages and inspiration will live on
through all of us who were touched by her.