CINspirational People
CINspirational People: Rachel Brown
There are people who we run into who stand out from the crowd. Rachel Brown is one of those people. I exercise at the TriHealth Fitness Pavilion, and from the day Rachel was hired, I could tell she was someone with very special qualities. Rachel always greets me with a genuine, warm smile and I see her going out of her way to help others.
I was the recipient of her kindness numerous times, but one time stands out. I had injured my ankle (not at the gym, but at home before I arrived). It was not anything serious but was swollen and painful. I just used the upper body ergonometer (a machine that I compare to a recumbent bicycle except that you are sitting in a seat and use your arms to pedal instead of your feet). I remember Rachel getting me a seat to prop that foot onto, and then getting me a bag of ice. And I remember how she kept coming back to check on me, not just because it was her job but because she cared. I also remember how she walked with me all the way to the locker room when I left to make sure I was ok, and came up to me on my next visit to see how my ankle was doing.
Rachel definitely stands out to me every time I see her interact with people. I thought I’d really like to share some of who she is on my blog. With a bachelor’s degree in exercise science and a master’s degree in exercise promotion, she is currently a fitness coach at TriHealth.
Lisa: Was there a life event that influenced your decision to pursue this career track?
Rachel: There has been. I come from an active family. For a short time, I gained a lot of weight from poor living choices, and I realized how fast that can happen. Excess weight can cause so many other chronic issues. I lost the weight, but I remember how I felt during and afterwards. It was a real eye opener.
Lisa: Tell us about some of your inspiration.
Rachel: I just met with someone who is 90 years old, who wants to keep getting better. I thought, ‘that is the type of person I want to be.’ I also have active grandparents and I think, ‘this is what I want to do.’
But, I also want to help everyone be the best that they can be. They may not know what their full potential is, or they think there are things they cannot do when they really can – or can do better.
I want everyone I meet to see that in themselves. If you are happy with whom you are, then you probably are going to be happier and nicer to everybody around you. It will make a better connection for everybody.
Lisa: What is some wise advice that you have received?
Rachel: My grandparents have always said, ‘take time to rest’ and that has stuck with me. We feel like we have to keep up with everything going on around us, and we need to take time for ourselves.
Another thing is to get to know and be accepting of people. Someone may look unhappy, have trouble walking, or be overweight, but you don’t know why. There is always a reason.
Lisa: What advice do you give others?
Rachel: To live positively and take it day by day. We all have long term goals for ourselves. Take control of what you can control. You can’t control how someone else looks at you but you can control how you look at someone else. You can’t control if someone else is friendly to you but you can control your own perspective.
#GoodThingsCincy #CINspiration
CINspirational People: Mike Moroski
We have many reasons to be proud of living in Greater Cincinnati. Among us we have so many neighbors who care, destinations to visit, workplaces achieving great significance, educational institutions helping to raise future leaders, and organizations whose efforts are making a positive impact on lives and neighborhoods.
Yet, did you know, on average, there are an estimated 7,000 children in our region each year who know what it is like to be called ‘homeless’?
That is a really tough statistic to grasp.
Not only are these young, impressionable minds working through whatever intense circumstance they are facing with or without their family, necessities such as food, adequate clothing, supplies, transportation, mental preparedness to focus, and even positive adult role models are more often than not lacking too.
Good for them, and for our community, that a unique (and wonderful) nonprofit organization charged with helping these young people to grow. UpSpring (formerly Faces Without Places) is our region’s only nonprofit that exclusively serves homeless youth and children, providing them with consistency to achieve educational success in and out of the classroom. Each year UpSpring empowers about 3,000 children who are experiencing homelessness in Greater Cincinnati.
And, at its helm is a leader so driven by a passion to change the world – or at least the region – that his drive to stand up for what he believes in got him fired and landed him in national news. (Mike Moroski was terminated from his role as dean of student life at Purcell Marian high School for writing a post on his personal blog in support of same-sex marriage.) His deep rooted capacity to be an activist for those needing a voice found him embedded in the community of Over-the-Rhine as a rehabber, volunteer, friend and investor; and took him on a journey of running for Cincinnati City Council. Ultimately his path led him to UpSpring.
To meet Mike is to meet an immediate connection. On his website, he wrote, “Without relationships, nothing worthwhile or long-lasting can be accomplished.”
Mike also shared, “I’ve learned that picking yourself up off the ground when you’re down is the only way to succeed in this life. I have the relationships to be able to do this. Too many in our City do not. I have received numerous accolades for taking a stand in February and losing my job. My ability to take that stand is a blessing and one for which I am truly grateful. My ability to fight for those without a voice is a gift; a gift that I take very seriously. You see, those in poverty could not take the same stand that I took in February. They could not afford to lose their job & their health insurance. Thanks to my family (my safety net), I was able to take that stand – a stand I would have wanted to take even if I had not been in a position to do so, but one that, ultimately, I would not have been able to take. I’ve re-learned why I am running for Council this year – I am running so that those who have long felt their power stripped away from them can begin making moves to regain some of that power. When one is blessed with the ability to fight for what’s right, one should. I feel an overwhelming calling to do just that – and I have for many, many years.”
I have so much admiration and respect for Mike. He is a role model to me in so many ways. Please spend a few minutes to learn a little bit more about him.
Lisa: From where do you get your passion?
Mike: I think my passion definitely comes from a place of empathy. I grew up with every kind of opportunity I could ever want but by the time I was in high school, I realized how fortunate I was. My parents did not grow up with those same resources. Their families were poor, but they often didn’t realize it.
As I grew, what was instilled in me was a serious distaste for bullies. I’ll never forget fighting the kids who made fun of a friend who was different.
The way I see it, the systems in place today that promote the statistics are structural bullying or structural child abuse. These kids are not unequal but never given the opportunity to be equal. There is a difference.
Lisa: Tell us about someone who has influenced you and your life.
Mike: Mike Rogers, definitely. Mike had experienced homelessness and is a graduate of the Men’s Recovery Program of the Drop Inn Center. He has been like a brother to me. I was in my 20s when we met and I was not very confident. Mike is the first person to have told me not to apologize for my thoughts, and that they were good and valid. I always had a distaste for poverty and Mike introduced me to his community in Over-the-Rhine that has been pushed down. He worked with me on a rehab project and one day we began talking about the fact there was no place for people in his neighborhood to just hang out. Before I knew it, we were talking about opening this coffee shop. We called it Choices Café.
(Note: Choices Café was more than a coffee shop. It was a gathering place for people of different backgrounds with a shared outlook. Partnering with 3CDC, the Drop Inn Center, Greater Cincinnati Coalition for the Homeless, and others, it embodied the motto, ‘We are one.’)
Lisa: What is the best advice you have received?
Mike: My father was always a salesman and he used to tell me that in everything I do, I am selling. I think about that in my work as an advocate and activist, and how education is a sales process. Many people have not had my life experiences. Without having had the opportunity to get to know a Mike Rogers or have homeless friends, they will not be able to relate the way I do and they may have already formed inaccurate associations. Every day I am selling the cause of homelessness, the reality of life for those who are impacted by it, and the need for support.
Another piece of advice that has stuck with me came from one of my professors. He told us, ‘your students will likely never remember anything you taught them but they will always remember who you were.’ That applies to most everything and everyone.
Lisa: You also talk about learning the difference between optimism and hope. Can you explain?
Mike: I learned that from someone who I never met, Vaclav Havel, who led the velvet revolution in the Czech Republic from his prison cell. In one of his letters, he wrote about how you need to clearly understand that difference if you are to fight injustice. OPTIMISM, he taught me, means you believe something will work. However, if you do your work filled with HOPE because you know deep down that it is the right thing to do no matter the outcome, only then is your work is sustainable. Reading that really changed how I do what I do.
Lisa: What is your hope when it comes to leading Upspring into the future?
Mike: I want to see the numbers of homelessness of young people go down. Organizationally speaking, I want Upspring to be able to provide more summer programs and serve more kids. This coming summer we will serve 210 students. I would also like to see what our role can be in early education. To expand, we will need more resources and more staff. It is going to take massive efforts and we cannot do this alone.
Lisa: What are some things on your own gratitude list?
Mike: Definitely my wife, Katie, all my friends and family, my pets and my music. All of them are what keep me level. This work is very intense, and it is not always easy turning it off. Hanging out with Katie and playing my guitar keeps me sane. I tell others they need to identify what that is for them because if you have the juice, your whole life can quickly be consumed. It is hard for me to NOT see the world as a mission. I am here to DO something.
Lisa: What other advice do you give people?
Mike: You’ve got to pursue your dreams, and also know that if you don’t change the world, that you have not failed. You have got to be patient. That is something I have to work on every day.
It is something I think a lot of us have to work on every day too. Yet, one more lesson I have come to learn from Mike.
#GoodThingsCincy #CINspiration
CINspirational People: Avtar Gill
I was reminded this week of Avtar Gill aka ‘The Hat Man’ in Cincinnati, and how he was remembered by a city that embraced him. I got an email out of the blue from a reader of The Cincinnati Herald who had read my editorial. I have written a number of opinion pieces over the years but this one really touched me in a deep way. I had originally written this for my enewsletter in 2014, and I thought I’d share it here too.
Rest in Peace Avtar. Thanks for giving me the gift of this life lesson.
The news is all over the internet. I’ve been reading about it on all of the social networks and traditional news media outlets. Our Greater Cincinnati region lost a beloved symbol of peace, friendship, and civic pride.
Avtar Gill died quietly in the motel room he has called home for many years. It isn’t known whether he had family or what his life was like in his earlier years (at least not that I could find when I searched) but what is known is that he had a huge following.
Dozens showed up this past weekend to memorialize the man known as Cincinnati Hat Man. Hundreds are fans of the Facebook tribute page. And there is talk about how we as a community can more broadly and permanently pay homage to his gifts.
In the final years of his Avtar’s life, he brought smiles to the faces of strangers – thousands of them. If you have attended any large public gatherings downtown, you have more than likely seen him. Dressed in casual slacks and mostly colorful t-shirts, he was always adorned with his signature ball cap attached to a piece of poster board decorated in bright colors with positive messages. Among them – “Mother’s Day: Be proud to be a mother.” “Rejoice. World Choir Games comes to town. Wow!”
He spread good news and welcomed everyone. And he died alone, before telling us his story.
I remember seeing him at events. I remember uplifting billboards. He was hard to miss. But I never said hello. I never asked him his name or why he made it his life mission to quietly spread messages of goodwill. I never told him his signs brightened my day. I never said thank you. Sadly, only now in the wake of his absence, am I learning about the man whose messages of hope and inspiration touched so many in deep, meaningful ways.
How many of you can relate? Why is it that so often we wait until a person is gone to memorialize their gifts? Please don’t get me wrong. I think the outpouring of emotions from people who were impacted by Avtar is beautiful. I have no doubt that Avtar is smiling looking down upon this city right now. I only wish that he could have seen this outpouring of admiration while he was still with us.
In our busy lives, we often go about our routines without taking the time to let others know of their value to us. Or we put off saying what we want to say because there is always later. It isn’t because we don’t care or that others don’t matter. For whatever reason, we just don’t say what is in our heart.
I always say life is one big classroom and every experience is a learning opportunity. Let this remind us that life can be short. None of us know what is in store for our tomorrow. Caring and being there for each other is what makes our time here so special. We need to practice voicing our appreciation.
Our lesson from this if we choose to learn it is to not take our time here for granted. In Avtar’s honor and memory, let’s rejoice in life and in each other. Today, tomorrow, next week and all year, make a point to let others know they are important. Let’s celebrate and cherish gifts in the here and now.
CINspirational People: Tim Timmerman
CINspirational People is a feature of Good Things Going Around profiling diverse people of Greater Cincinnati, what inspires them, and what is inspiring about them. You can read more profiles by clicking on the link at the top of the blog. Do you know someone to suggest? Please reach out. Thanks!
Today, let’s go behind-the-scenes with radio personality Tim Timmerman, currently a co-host with the very popular Jeff & Jenn Morning Show on Q102 (WKRQ) in Cincinnati. I have known Tim for many years and recently ran into him again at an event downtown. Tim came up to me and wanted to know how I was doing, and if there was anything he could do to help. That meant so much to me. It is who Tim is, an all around generous person who enjoys learning about and helping others. I’m glad to have this opportunity to share a little more about him.
Lisa: How did you get started in radio?
Tim: I grew up in Detroit and my dad worked for Pontiac. I remember him taking me with him on a Take Your Kids To Work Day, and thinking, ‘that looked really boring.’ I thought, ‘I’ve got to do something really fun with my life.’ I’ve been in radio now for about 18 years. After high school, I got a job at a station and have been in the business ever since.
Lisa: What do you enjoy the most about your profession?
Tim: I like that there really are not two days the same and I get to meet so many different people. What I also get a lot of fulfillment from is how we get to help people tell their story whether it is a charity event or a caller wanting to share part of a day. I use my job to do some really cool things for people.
Lisa: Can you give us some examples?
Tim: Sure. One time a listener called in to share a story of his coach who needed a kidney. By our talking about it on air, other people started calling in and we found a kidney donor. That was really a neat moment. I never thought when I came in to work that day, that something like that was about to happen.
And one year, after the Flying Pig Marathon, a man called in to share his story. He was making good time until at the very last mile his ankle snapped. A young woman who was also in the race carried him to the finish line, and once they crossed the line, she made sure he got help before leaving without giving him her name. He wanted to find out who she was. One of her friends heard the story, reached out to her, and we did a conference call for the two of them to meet. We then coordinated with the Marathon organizers to re-

Cincinnati radio personality Tim Timmerman worked with the Flying Pig Marathon to help this runner finish the race
create his finish. We went to the exact spot, had the finish line up and when he crossed the line, gave him a medal. That woman was there too. That was really neat.
Lisa: Who is someone who has been an influence on you?
Tim: There have been a few folks who have taken me under their wing like Jim Scott and Patty Marshall, who is my current boss.
Lisa: What are some things that they taught you?
Tim: They really encouraged me to think outside of the box and push myself into areas I was afraid to go. Getting a real estate license is something that I have been wanting to do for a long time, and with their encouragement, I signed up at Honduras College, studied and did it. I’ve had my license since April and I have sold six homes since then.
Lisa: Do you have a motto that you try to follow?
Tim: Well, one thing is that it is better to beg for forgivessness than ask for permission. The more I am on air the more I believe that. If you ask for permission, you may knit pick why you shouldn’t do something and then you may not do it and you may regret it. If you just say, ‘I’m not worried about being stupid, making mistakes or falling down. I’m just going to do it,’ then you will do great things.
You need to make things happen yourself. I taught radio at the Ohio Center for Broadcasting and Ie always told the students, ‘no one will hold your hand and make things happen. You’ve just got to hustle and make stuff happen.’
Lisa: What are some of your simple pleasures in life?
Tim: I enjoy being with friends whether we are just hanging out or going to the University of Cincinnati football game or cooking. I love making a meal for people and watching them enjoy it; and talking about the day and life and people in their world. I have a group of friends with whom we have dinner together each week. I also like to take my dog, Steve, for walks.
#GoodThingsCincy #CINspiration
CINspirational People: Caden Elrod
Howard Thurman once said, “Don’t ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” It is one of my favorite quotes, and it very much reminds me of a third grade student I recently met, who attends Hyde Park Elementary School.
In November, nine-year-old Caden Elrod became the youngest recipient of the Student Recycler of the Year Award from the Hamilton County Recycling and Solid Waste District.
Let there be no mistake. Caden has found his calling, what makes him come alive and inspires him to lead by example.
Caden told me he has been recycling his whole life except for when he was a baby. But I think his spark was really ignited when he saw trash in the Ohio River and all along its shores. Then, in about the first grade he started looking into it and found information on a massive patch of literally billions of plastic pieces that have accumulated hundreds of miles into the Atlantic Ocean, known as the Island of Trash.
“It kills animals, and plants won’t be able to grow because stuff may get stuck in the plants,” he told me.
And that, Caden thinks, is just unacceptable. So, in his own way he set out to be a change maker.
Caden has been encouraging his school and his fellow students to recycle more. He made a cake that looked like a recycling truck for his Boy Scouts annual cake auction. He has shared photos of garbage along the Ohio River and elsewhere to get people’s attention. He and his dad drop off used electronics to Cohen Recycling. He will talk to anyone who will listen about the importance of doing their part. And he has applied to participate in the Hamilton County Recycling Policy Committee, although he won’t be old enough to join for a few more years.
At home, he has inspired his whole family to recycle (with the exception of his sister and that, he told me, is just because she is still a baby). They have recycling bins throughout their house.
“He will hold us accountable. He will always say to us, ‘I want you to do a little more’, Tonia Elrod, Caden’s mother said. “I am always conscious of it now. Even today I went to lunch and had a plastic cup but they couldn’t recycle there so I brought the cup home.”
Caden wants people to be aware that there are a lot of ways we can reuse products. Here are a few examples he pointed out.
- He has turned worn shoes into flower pots (a boot is easier to put a flower inside)
- You can make tunnels out of used plastic bottles by cutting off the top and bottom (he is not sure what you would use these for)
- You can make shelves from leftover wood
- He once made a giant thing out of cardboard that he rode on with his dad
- He once made a chair from a stick and a piece of wood
- He once made a game out of cardboard pieces
He has also learned there are some things you cannot recycle like foam things and packaging peanuts.
“I am trying to be an example for the whole world and my family,” he told me.
Here are a few more questions I asked him.
Lisa: How does it make you feel to recycle and encourage others to do the same?
Caden: It makes me feel good and like I am doing something that will help other people to live in a better place.
Lisa: What advice do you have for others about recycling?
Caden: Everyone should recycle as much as they can. There are like 33% of communities in the United States where you have to subscribe to recycle and that is not good. If you have contact with one of the leaders, you should tell them that you want to stop that so more people can recycle.
Lisa: When you grow up, what are some ways you can do more?
Caden: After school, I want to learn how to recycle electronics and foam.
#CINspiration #GoodThingsCincy