McAuley High School Students Make Cards Of Courage


Laura Hils makes a Card of Courage at McAuley High School with junior Kendra Frey behind her. Photo credit: Kathy Dietrich

What a neat way for youth to make a difference. Students in McAuley High School’s Key Club made 40 Cards of Courage – handmade signs that are brightening the days for residents of Brookdale Place of Finneytown. Brookdale Place is a senior living community for those who need help with routine daily life skills, and those who need care for Alzheimer’s and dementia.

“I thought about people who might need a smile – people who were struggling with something, such as health, loneliness, war, poverty, etc.,” said Junior Laura Hils, the brainchild behind the project. “These cards are meant to bring them courage and brighten their day. At the same time, it brightens the days of the students making the cards.”

Once a month student volunteers gather to make cards and signs to give to others. In addition to the signs at Brookdale Place, they have made cards for homebound parishioners of the St. Bartholomew parish and next month they will make cards for the military.

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