OneSight Volunteers Gave Free Vision Exams To Cincinnati Students


Our vision is something so easily taken for granted. We look around ourselves and see the vibrant colors dispersed around us. We see billboards, newsprint, books and computer screens. Our vision helps us to navigate and explore, read and draw.

OneSight volunteer David Brown helped provide free vision screenings to Cincinnati area students

OneSight volunteer David Brown helped provide free vision screenings to Cincinnati area students

So, think for a moment how difficult it would be for a young child who has sight but cannot see with clarity, not because of a medical condition such as corneal or retinal issues, diabetes, and blindness, but because screenings and corrective eye glasses are simply too expensive.

According to the American Optometric Association,one in four children has an undiagnosed vision problem that could inhibit school performance not to mention their quality of life.
Since 1988, Greater Cincinnati nonprofit OneSight has been working to change that. With the help of dedicated partners, it has screened more than nine million people globally.

Locally, OneSight, in partnership with Luxottica, has been performing free vision screenings in Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky school districts since 1992. A team of 1100+ volunteers recently visited 108 local schools and performed distance acuity screenings for about 30,000 students. Additionally, kindergarten and first grade boys were tested for color blindness and all students in kindergarten, first and third grade were tested for amblyopia through stereopsis screenings.

Jessica Hercule is a Cincinnati volunteer of nonprofit OneSight

Jessica Hercule was one of more than 1100 OneSight volunteers who provided free vision screenings to Cincinnati area students.

Jenni Eilers, LDO, OneSight volunteer engagement manager, told me students not passing their screenings were sent home with a letter advising parents to schedule a full vision exam with an eye care professional; and for those whose parents could not afford it, OneSight provided assistance (subject to availability). Many students in the Cincinnati Public School District were helped by the OneSight Vision Center at Oyler School while other students in need were referred through the OneSight Voucher Program.

The OneSight voucher program works to help those in needs in communities nationwide.  Any 501c3 is able to refer patients that are financially and visually in need to a local retail location (LensCrafters, participating Pearle Vision, Sears Optical, and Target Optical) for free eyewear.  If the patient is in need of an eye exam the referring 501c3 can help them partner with a local eye doctor at the retail location and or another organization to receive and eye exam to prepare them for their visit.


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